SafetyNow is recapping this year with our “Top-6 Downloaded Reports of 2022. We’re making our most popular reports available for download again, just in case you didn’t get a chance to take a look at them earlier this year. And the best part is – they’re free! 

See what all the thousands of other safety managers and trainers are talking about and using to reduce accidents, incidents, and costs.

Check out some of our more influential special reports like “How to Deal with Unengaged Learners” and find out how you can increase engagement in your safety training! Maybe you’re employees’ retention has been low and you need to check out “How to Build Better Refresher Safety Training” and how refresher training can reduce the impact of the forgetting curve. Whatever the reason, SafetyNow is here to give you a second chance at making your organization a safer place.

Don’t know which report to choose? Check the boxes down below for detailed descriptions on each report!

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Report Previews

How to Build Better Refresher Safety Training

Employee refresher course training can reduce the impact of the forgetting curve on an organization’s time, resources, and ultimately the bottom line.

Why You Should Be Embracing Online Safety Training

Read the benefits of online safety training compared against instructor-led training and see why your company should be embracing this new learning trend.

What Are the Costs of a Lack of Safety Training

Safety training can get expensive – but a workplace accident or incident can be detrimental. Find out what the true costs for a lack of safety training are.

How to Deal With Unengaged Learners

Find 6 Adult Learning Theories and learn how to put them into practice. Find ways to help engage employees in health and safety training and get answers on how to conquer the challenge of engagement.

7 Steps to Implement Better Safety Training

Check out the 7 steps every organization needs to follow in order to implement better safety training in their workplace.

What to Look For in Better Online Safety Training

This report looks at the key practices you should keep an eye out for when you’re on the hunt for online safety training.