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Transform the Challenge of Safety Training into and Opportunity!

Making sure all of your employees are completing their training at the right time can be a logistical nightmare. What’s worse, you’re wasting countless hours of your time researching to make sure the resources that you use are compliant and up-to-date.

Discover a simpler path to engaging, organized, and compliant safety training.

Imagine having clear insight into your employees’ completed safety training and outstanding requirements.

Meet SafetyNow, North America’s leading source for compliant, engaging safety materials, for both online safety training and instructor-led safety training. We want to help companies just like yours train better and improve your overall safety culture.

That’s why we are giving away our brand new 2024 Training Calendars – completely free! Simply fill out the form, select which industry you’re in and we will send you a free copy of our safety training calendar!

SafetyNow’s 2024 training calendars are designed to streamline and organize your safety training programs!

Trusted by Industry Leaders

There’s a Reason That These Industry Leaders Work Directly With SafetyNow


Our team of lawyers and certified trainers work around the clock to make sure our training is complaint across jurisdictions & countries.


Our training is rooted in cognitive learning theories to be bite-sized, dynamic, and engaging to a multi-generational and diverse workforce.


Your workforce may be remote, in multiple locations/worksites, or across different shifts. Our consistent training is accessible on any device, anywhere, at any time.


With SafetyNow’s retention module (part of our online course packages), your safety message sticks and training recall is over 95% even after 30 days.