Recent Developments in eLearning

Elearning or online learning has come a long way in the last 20 years. From the courses to the delivery platform – things have changed and its time to change with it. With those changes came new ways to use your Learning Management System or LMS, improvements in the way courses were designed and delivered, and the accessibility and affordability of both. This Special Report dives in to discuss changes with LMS eLearning systems and tips for getting the most out of an LMS – whether you have one or are thinking of purchasing one.

The Basics

Here are the basics – If you struggling to get a training program started, want to kick it up a notch with your current training methods, an LMS can help you get started. It provides a quick and easy way to get compliance training out to workers, especially if you have remote employees, geographically diverse, multiple shifts.

Close the Technology Gap

Gone are the days of buffering and bandwidth issues for your safety training. Its 2018. Courses keep getting more and more interactive. Microlearning focused courses have been mapping content to how the brain learns and retains knowledge so that the learner can turn what they learn into action when they need it. Microlearning presents 4-5 new pieces of information in one session so that you can retain all of the information easier than one big dump of information (where 70% is typically forgotten within 24 hours).

The Bottom Line 

eLearning isn’t the only way training should be done and training in general is not the answer to all your safety challenges. If done right, an effective training program should be combined with instructor led training – some things are required to be done in person, take a forklift for example. Others require information and learning styles where instructor led training is the best approach. Make sure to include follow up reinforcement. The goal of ILT is to retain all of the information, right? So keep them engaged. Use safety talks – upload them, assign the, track them. Keep them guessing and alert through quizzes.

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