As you may know, SafetyNow started its life as Safe Foreman in 1919. Occasionally I like to sort through some of the old periodicals to find out what OHS was like in the past.

Here is a great article from May 1963 about the cost savings of a well-rounded safety program; keep in mind this was the same month and year that Peter, Paul and Mary had a hit with “Puff the Magic Dragon”, there was unrest in Birmingham Alabama when officials turned hoses on dogs and children during a protest (a turning point in the civil rights movement), and Sandy Koufax threw his second career no hitter.

A long time ago for sure, but the safety message still stands strong.

Getting at the High and Hidden

Accidents can eat away profits with a steadily mounting appetite. Here, in a dramatic and factual article, a steel company armed with patience and persuasion, shows you how to keep costly accidents down and profits up … the extra advantage you need these days to make your business come out on top.