How To Start A Safety Training Program 

Training is an important part of any safety program. Training helps teach employees how to perform their work more safely. It also allows you to teach employees the company’s policies and attitudes about on-the-job safety. Setting up a training program may appear to be difficult and overwhelming. But this does not have to be the case. The first thing that needs to be done is to determine the important safety issues for your employees. You can use resources in your workplace to gather this type of information. Top among these tools are the incident reports that your facility generates about employee injuries. This will give you an idea not only of where employees are having problems, but also what kinds of problems they are having.

Do You Know Why You Should Document Your Safety Training? 

Companies that deliberately cut corners on safety training deserve no sympathy if they get socked with an OSHA/OHS citation. Unfortunately, it’s not just the “bad guys” who get into trouble. Companies that make a conscious effort to train still end-up getting cited for training violations. These companies learn a painful but important lesson: It’s not enough just to train your workers; you must also be able to prove that you do. And that’s not all. In many cases, you need to take steps to verify that workers understood the training you provided.

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